will bernie's campaign manager, tad devine, get indicted in russiagate?


Well-Known Member
that's because civil rights is not a "bread and butter issue" to "ordinary americans".
Let's not forget him saying "people" are tired for politically correct rhetoric. .

He avoided town hall meetings and situations where he had to speak off script with African American and Hispanic people. Not too different from Clinton who was awful at informal off the cuff meetings. Bernie really embarrassed himself at a Flint Michigan meeting when he said black people are poor and live in ghettos unlike white people.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many right leaning republicans would of voted for a self described socialist who had his honeymoon in the Soviet Union?

Too bad he lost because he could of won.


Well-Known Member
I wonder how many right leaning republicans would of voted for a self described socialist who had his honeymoon in the Soviet Union?

Too bad he lost because he could of won.
If Bernie had gotten 4 million more votes in the primary he would have won the national election.

This and other alternate histories can be found on u-tube. I like the one where aliens built the pyramids. Or maybe flat earth videos.