Wireless ip cameras


Well-Known Member
How secure are these cameras? I'd like to use one so I can monitor my grows while I'm away. I've got security on my router but I'd hate to have the neighbors find the feeds and see what I'm up too.


Well-Known Member
Your password should be longer than your dick if your hooking up a live feed to your grow room on a wireless IP cam and SSL for your remote login.


Well-Known Member
If I was wanting to see my remote garden I think I'd go with hardwire cams to a box running ubuntu linux then use SSH and install webmin and use that to access your feed that way.


Well-Known Member
just to be thorough, change your default login password for your router also. by this I mean the password you have to enter to make changes to your router. As well as your wireless login password.


Well-Known Member
if its really a bad idea ill just skip it. It was just an idea i had. The price of those cams came way down. thought it might be an easy way to check things without opening the door.


Well-Known Member
didn't say it was bad idea, just saying be thorough when setting up your security.

you should do what I mentioned if you are monitoring a grow or not.


Well-Known Member
Your password should be longer than your dick if your hooking up a live feed to your grow room on a wireless IP cam and SSL for your remote login.
Agreed, if you're going to do this, do it safely/securely or don't do it at all…

I use one in my cabinet (Foscam FI9821W) but even with 30 years in technology, networking being my expertise, SSL, WPA2, mac filtering, source IP filtering on the router firewall, I turn it on/off, only on (for external access) when I'm out of town for a few days. The rest of the time I allow only my network internal subnet in. It's still handy for monitoring when you're at home, has saved my ass a few times when timers failed to turn on/off one thing or another, and I don't have to open the cabinet, let smell out, bother the ladies too much, drop temps etc… With these you can record to your PC, take snapshots, IR for monitoring/validating things going on when lights are off. i installed this about 1/2 way through my second indoor grow. For the net one, there's a script language you can automate snapshots and recording, if I have some time I'd like to setup daily snapshots to record a time-lapse of the grow. Not that it would improve my grow, just cool shit to play with, that's why I got into tech in the first place :) here's a snapshot I took just now while writing this, it's middle of the day so lights are off, it turns on the IR lights just while you're connected, then turns them off again when you disconnect…. If you can't follow half of what I just said, don't do it, too risky, or set it up so it's only accessible inside your own network and have an incredibly long/difficult WPA2 password on your WiFi if using WiFi…


Well-Known Member
I actually have to hardwire. I bought a dlink cam and i know its not top of the line but by the time i get it into the basement it doesnt get a very good signal. Ill have to run about 75' of cable to my grow.


Well-Known Member
I actually have to hardwire. I bought a dlink cam and i know its not top of the line but by the time i get it into the basement it doesnt get a very good signal. Ill have to run about 75' of cable to my grow.
Yeah, that can be a problem with the WiFi cameras. I'm good because my wireless router is about 10 ft on the other side of a wall from my room/cabinet, and I get to write off anything I spend remotely related to technology so I have Cisco routers/wireless equipment, a lot of it demos I get for free :) Worth the spend though, like I said below, it saved my ass a couple of times.

Ane Brosson

I wouldn't do it wirelessly either way. WPA2 is good, but I'd prefer the speed and stability of a cable connection.

As for accessing it. Would you intend to just forward a port to it and access it from the web? - Then your main vulnerability would be the webcam web UI, and that's closed source.

As always depends what level of paranoia you want to work on.