Won't see this everyday!

Chief Chieferton

Well-Known Member
The med./rec. use is about to erupt here in Mass. The largest grow lab in the world is a 5 min. drive from my house and set to open late fall. People are gonna make ridiculous profit when the dispensary open up in the spring. This is a dream coming to fruition. Except it looks like the state wants to charge nearly 30 g's for the permit to cultivate med. buds. Knowing how this state is run that means only the fat cats that spent millions trying to stop it are now going to be the profiteers. This sickens me. I have the room, security and know how to thrive. 30 g's I do not have. That is irony in its worst state. That being said I'm putting out the feelers to see if it's worth trying to stick their noses in their own shit. A co-op could be formed and farms built if there is enough of us. Room for expansion too when hemp is commercialized. The greedy law makers won't be able to help themselves when they see the profits. You all know this is a tidal wave that is about to be let loose. If you want to beat them at their own game we can do this. Thanks for reading.