World Economic Forum -- Davos 2014


Well-Known Member
Does anyone here care about this stuff? Personally, I've been following these for the last few years, and every time I come away shaking my head at the empty rhetoric. These fora are seemingly little more than a thinly-veiled circle jerk of CFR, Bilderberg, etc. leftovers. No practical policy or remedies come from them. So what the fuck are they for other than to boost Davos' tourism revenues? Nevertheless, they broadcast their colloquia (for whatever meager benefit that provides). One can look at the schedule, and may find something of interest amidst the myriad of topics covered. Right now, I'm watching "Are Markets Safer Now?" live... and it is so full of nothing (zen?) that even Kynes would blush at the abuse of verbiage. Maybe the question period will be better?


Well-Known Member
Does anyone here care about this stuff? Personally, I've been following these for the last few years, and every time I come away shaking my head at the empty rhetoric. These fora are seemingly little more than a thinly-veiled circle jerk of CFR, Bilderberg, etc. leftovers. No practical policy or remedies come from them. So what the fuck are they for other than to boost Davos' tourism revenues? Nevertheless, they broadcast their colloquia (for whatever meager benefit that provides). One can look at the schedule, and may find something of interest amidst the myriad of topics covered. Right now, I'm watching "Are Markets Safer Now?" live... and it is so full of nothing (zen?) that even Kynes would blush at the abuse of verbiage. Maybe the question period will be better?
Here is my question. Are they hacks? talking heads? or do they care about the issues. The topics are pretty dry.....why do you watch nothing?


Well-Known Member
Here is my question. Are they hacks? talking heads? or do they care about the issues. The topics are pretty dry.....why do you watch nothing?
I can't say the participants are "hacks", but to call them detached academics and representatives of industry would not be out of line. As for "watching nothing", it's not the presentations but the question periods where something of value may be gleaned. For example, during this "safer markets" colloquium a US senator brought up a good question about how "good and bad derivatives" can be differentiated. Unfortunately, the answer eventually received wasn't enlightening as the CEO just exclaimed how much his firm liked trading them, for the most part. I suppose I'm (naively?) optimistic in that perhaps someone will ask one of those mind-blowing "gotcha" questions that have a ripple effect. And I don't like watching Duck Dynasty, etc.


Well-Known Member
I call them hacks. I don't know Economics well enough, it seems masochistic to study. If you get a shoe thrower, call me.


Well-Known Member
Davos, its where really rich and powerful people get together to hash out plans to keep the status quo.