

I called HC as I recently relocated and was told that processing my address change would take 6 to 8 weeks.............. standard processing time. What stupid system they have in place it should be as easy as changing the address on my health card.
Just my thoughts.


Well-Known Member
if you want it done quicker send a letter to your member of parliament and ask them to write a letter on your behalf to HC saying this procesing time is unacceptable because you need all paperwork taken care off promptly due to law enforement risk or something like that is my suggestion if you are asking for one.


Well-Known Member
Hey Tookrazy I sympathize for sure
Its really not acceptable, since with many of other area's of government,will allow real time access to your records via SIN number etc....
I think Health Canada could too...
6 to 8 weeks can be a long time when your sick.