WTF... Got Sleep?


Well-Known Member
This is kinda weird but i can seem to sleep past 430 or 5am.. Does not matter what time i go to sleep.. or how much pot i smoke . Sleeping pills dont seem to be working at all.. WTF I wish i could fuckin sleep!


Well-Known Member
i get this same thing too, its because your mind thinks 'fuck it im awake this long i may as well stay up all night' thing to do is wake up early, and do some exercise and use your body more in the day so that on the night you are too tired to do anything, then masterbation! one a night nytol work good too making sure you take them early enough, smoking a spliff and sleeping is a very fast and easy way to make yourself mentally ill.....or so i think???


Well-Known Member
lol.. Iv tried the masterbation thing... HAHA that seems to wake me up rather than put me to sleep..


Well-Known Member
FDD - I started rolling on the floor laughing with that pic. HA! Im still laughing.

Sosure - have you tried working out before bed. That usually gives me a good night sleep.


Well-Known Member
i've had the same sleep issue for years. i can't get to sleep. then when i finally do if i wake that's it. i get one chance. it could be 8 hours or it could be 4. i never know. lack of sleep effects me in a bad way. if i don't get at least 6 hours i feel sick. headaches, backaches, ringing ears..... i've been on ambien CR, i've tried all the over-the-counter meds. took a WHOLE BOX of sominex one night. didn't help. the DR. had me on Clonopin for almost 4 years. it starts with a physical problem. i think i have pinched nerves in my back or something. so my feet and body get itchy tingly when i lay down. then i start thinking about it and the mental part comes into play. half of my problem is in my own mind.


Well-Known Member
I have heard that people do some crazy shit on ambien. Sleep walking, Sleep eating....even my friends wife takes ambien and she has had some nights of sleep f@cking. He told me she wakes up in the morning and she wont remember a thing. Crazy


Well-Known Member
I have heard that people do some crazy shit on ambien. Sleep walking, Sleep eating....even my friends wife takes ambien and she has had some nights of sleep f@cking. He told me she wakes up in the morning and she wont remember a thing. Crazy

i kill people. sssshhhhhhhhh:twisted::twisted:


Just some idiot
I suffer from getting no sleep too. It's been happeneing for close to a year now and it really effects my life. I've tried Ambien and some other sleep aids which either don't work or they make me feel like crap. I've tried exercise and I smoke before bed. Nothing seems to work. I just lay there and my mind races....all night.


Well-Known Member
I suffer from getting no sleep too. It's been happeneing for close to a year now and it really effects my life. I've tried Ambien and some other sleep aids which either don't work or they make me feel like crap. I've tried exercise and I smoke before bed. Nothing seems to work. I just lay there and my mind races....all night.
i had the same problems and xanax really helped..its just enough to keep me calm enough to fall asleep and stay asleep without feeling groggy the next day.


New Member
I've had insomnia many times and have found nytol to be good to get your sleeping pattern back. It would only take a few nights of taking them until you are sleeping normally again. I'm no into prescription meds but nytol does the trick.
:sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

Xanax...thats all:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
do you think it could be from smoking pot for numerous years?... my mother also suffers from not sleeping, and shes smoked for ages...


Well-Known Member
Does any body know the name of a website that had like a donkey or something like that in the corner of the page and the website showed video clips and porno and jokes and clips of day. Does anybody know what its called?