Yellow, Crunchy Bottom Leaves


Well-Known Member
the leaves on the bottom of my plants have been turning yellow and brown at the tips. what do you think this could be? nute burn? nitrogen def?

and on another plant the edges of the leaves are turning crunchy and brown

can anyone help me?:-?


Well-Known Member
the leaves on the bottom of my plants have been turning yellow and brown at the tips. what do you think this could be? nute burn? nitrogen def?
Looks like Mg deficiency to me, need more information to confirm it though.

How old are your plants, how long have they been in their current soil, what is the soil, what water are you using to water them with and what frequency?


Well-Known Member
plants are 5 weeks old, mg organic soil with 1/4 perlite and 1/4 vermiculite, phed water with 1 drop superthrive and 1/4 tsp of fox farm grow big. i water whenever the moisture meter is almost to dry (seems like once a week)


Well-Known Member
plants are 5 weeks old, mg organic soil with 1/4 perlite and 1/4 vermiculite, phed water with 1 drop superthrive and 1/4 tsp of fox farm grow big. i water whenever the moisture meter is almost to dry (seems like once a week)
5 weeks? That's about the time Mg deficiencies will start to show. If it's not being locked out by high tap water salinity, add about 1 tablespoon of Epsom salts per gallon of water and feed with only that - no growbig. Next feed you can continue with growbig.

Also stop with the Superthrive now, that's best used at repot time.

Also 1/4 perlite, 1/4 Vermiculite is way too much, when you repot up, add about 1 part Perlite/Vermiculite (50/50 if you like) to 9 parts compost. Also, make sure you reconstitute the soil correctly, ie fluff it up and break up big lumps.


Well-Known Member
i've read many places that people are using 1/3 perlite and 1/3 vermiculite, so i'll continue to do use the mix i use. epsom salts add mg? i don't understand


Active Member
I had the same problem, add 1 tbsp of epsom salt per 1 galon of water. fixes it up quick.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I use an organic product called "Muskie" from Green Earth on my outdoor plants. It is Fish Emulsion made out of fresh water fish waste. I had the same yellowing and after 2 weeks of application nice green looking leaves. The yellow ones will fall off.


Active Member
home depot in the garden section has a soil tester, it has 4 vials with a pill in each one. i guess you put some dirt, water and the pill in shake it up and the color light to dark tells you some information. i seen them and decided not to buy. but i have some yellowing on the bottom leaves with no crunchies, just yellow. and i cannot figure it out so quick so i might try them.


Well-Known Member
trim the yellow leaves off an get rid of them, you dont want them falling on healthy leaves an branches, if you dont get rid of them its possible to kill other branches from mold.