Yellow Dry Leaves


Well-Known Member
they need to be in a 3 gal pot ... with light soil.... then nute them in 3 weeks, autos do best going straight into a large pot
i put them straight into 2 gallon pots,however the isnt that light but it does drain quite well, and iam not using nutrients, there 4 weeks old do you think putting them in 3 gallon pots is going to sort it out? i dont think there gona like being trandplanted at this stage.


Well-Known Member
ermmmmm nothing is going to sort them out if that soil is too "hot" ... now you've said you have them in 2 gallon pots (uk gal's i assume)... i think its a soil is the problem... taking them out of there soil is not an option .... so maybe a larger pot and transplant into some more suitable soil is an option

but they wont like too much handling so be careful, i use lightly ferted soil from the hydro shop.... it works for me
transplanted into better soil with perlite and they seem to be doing fine bar 2 that look really weak but it was worth it thanks for the help much appreciated thanks alot!! :leaf: