Yellow tips on new growth! Bad? Pics


Well-Known Member
Master Kush has yellow and some bright green tips (assuming soon to be yellow) on new growth! I'm a little concerned so I seek the council of the great LED vets... here's some pics and thanks in advance, any help would be appreciated!

Day 31 of veg (counting from day I put the seed in soil)
Blackstar 240w Veg model about 12" from top of plant
Subcool Super Soil w/Roots Organic (not 707) base
Last watered with 56oz incl. 4ml Liquid Karma on 8/11
No other nutes have ever been used.

Closer look at the issue


Soil could be a little "hot" , not quite sure of its complete analyses. looks nice and stout, with no stretching. most likely slightly over fer-ted. When young most super soils have plenty of everything needed. She will be fine, lay low and let her breath a little.


Well-Known Member
It could also be the start of Mg deficiency.. Good luck with her though, she looks beautiful non the less.