yo yo yo yo yo yo

dont have a place 2 grow right now. Thinking bout a guerilla grow, but since its so late in season i dont want to plant strait into the ground.dont wanna get ripped either.so i was thinking about making a plank thts big enough 2 fit my plants securely with a set of small terrain tires about 6in off the ground , camo it out, put a heavy duty rope on it, and find a nice place to grow where theres n open area but dense shade nearby. my plants chill in sunlight, but if i hear anything pull em into shade.i could also use it to follow the sun. sounds good in theory.the only thing i need to know is how long it usually takes for a chopper 2 pass over u from the time u start to hear it.im thinkin usually between 30-100 sec also if the plants could take the violent movement if it comes down to it.suggestions will help


Well-Known Member
Wow, you're seriously determined.. You're right on top of things, ready to go at a seconds notice to move the plants cause of the choppa !


Active Member
Good theory, but in order to reach your rope when you hear the chopper, you will have to be close to it, if your close to it they will see you too. What if the chopper comes to the clearing then you hear it? Do you still pull the rope? Is this rope leading to your house? Which would be another bad move as its a direct line to you. Lol. Unless your in a place that has an unlimited budget for law enforcement, they probably won't even notice (or worry about) one plant.