young man kills in ambush three officers


Well-Known Member
I did not even finsh reading the whole thread.
Anyone who says they are happy when someone dies is a loudmouthed peice of shit.
If someone was hurting their family or stole their child they would be begging for police help.
All cops are not bad most are good people putting themselves in harms way to protect us. They deal with people that alot of you would be afraid of.
And before people start calling me names. I grew up a tall skinny welfare white kidin very poor black neighborhoods in l.a.
I have had my ass kicked by more cops then most. That does not make them all bad.
And before anyone calls me a bitch.
Ill laugh now. I am the one you would not want to run into in a dark alley.
I beleive violence is a necassary evil sometimes.
But to kill someone over dog pee argument. That sounds like a punk bitch to me.
I grow medicine. I respect state police (fuck the feds though).


Well-Known Member
All that and i still agree we need a revolution.
I dont think random killings are the way.
They must be well planned i think a good starting point is the wealthiest first since they control everything.


Well-Known Member
so you want a bloodless revolution? no one dies in your revolution?
the fact if the matter it sounds like you have no stomach for killing and thats ok
BUT IN WAR LOTS OF PEOPLE ARE KILLED . and if they work for the government that would enslave me and mine with tax and laws . then they are the enemy.
sorry about their luck.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know my family has killed more then a few feds back in the day (moonshining). Oh and it will get worse. This isn't England and many here will not submit to being ruled. We will not hand in our guns many will, but not all, not by a long shot. Doesn't matter what happens we will not do it.

I hope they try to take them. If they try to take them we should get every gun owning American to get his gun load it and go to the city park and tell the Police you want the guns go to the park the people are waiting for you there, with their guns, come and take them!
bull crap. go to his home when he is at work .along with the others..when they are in washington DC.


Well-Known Member
I have no problem with blood or killing. I just dont think that shooting some random police is a good thing.
You just cant kill people and then scream it revolution.
I think if we actually stopped bullshitting and started planning then maybe things would change.
And alot of police and military would join but for now they are doing there jobs.
And protecting us.
I lived through the riots in la and marshal law is no joke.
Police are here to protect us.
Though that is not always what they do.
you want to kill someone how about we start hunting down pedifiles and child rapist.
oh how i would love to spend my life beating them to death.
and yes with my fists anything else would be to quik.
i am not ranting on this part i actually dream about killing anyone who hurts child.
well i have ten more years left to raise my kids.
then oh then pedifiles will be punished.


Well-Known Member
I have no problem with blood or killing. I just dont think that shooting some random police is a good thing.
You just cant kill people and then scream it revolution.
I think if we actually stopped bullshitting and started planning then maybe things would change.
And alot of police and military would join but for now they are doing there jobs.
And protecting us.
I lived through the riots in la and marshal law is no joke.
Police are here to protect us.
Though that is not always what they do.
you want to kill someone how about we start hunting down pedifiles and child rapist.
oh how i would love to spend my life beating them to death.
and yes with my fists anything else would be to quik.
i am not ranting on this part i actually dream about killing anyone who hurts child.
well i have ten more years left to raise my kids.
then oh then pedifiles will be punished.

oh, what ever would we do had it not be for the police states that we live in?
you're way to domesticated for me, sir.

oh and these 'pedifiles' you speak of will get paroled and become repeat offenders.

I'm totally enthralled.


New Member
I won't kill anyone who is not trying to kill me. I respect life just as I want mine respected. You can't have it both ways. Now if I did something to warrant a swat team, i would butch up and take my medicine, not open fire. If you are in the wrong, be man enough to admit it. :peace:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
oh, what ever would we do had it not be for the police states that we live in?
You're way to domesticated for me, sir.

Oh and these 'pedifiles' you speak of will get paroled and become repeat offenders.

I'm totally enthralled.
domesticated lol
i think prison and the whole perole thing is a joke to make rich people richer.
Prison building is a big$$ industry.
What happened to good ol public hanging, hand removel, stoning, fuck heads would think twice now wouldnt they.