
  1. ShedsAndTents

    2x2' Veg Lighting

    Hello to all readers, I am a long time lurker for research but have finally decided to chime in considering I am finally where I can go legal! To the point: I have a 2'x2' area for veg and I'm having a tough time making a decision on which source of lighting will give me the most compact growth...
  2. smokiemcbowl

    Bubblelicious and Sour Diesel Haze grow

    Whats up everyone! This will be my second auto grow. I have a Bubblelicious from Nirvana seeds and a Sour Diesel Haze from Seedsman. The Bubblelicious was planted Nov 17th and the Sour Diesel Haze on the 19th. The Bubblelicious broke soil and started the 21st and the Sour D on the 23rd. I have...