energy efficiency

  1. R

    Go green or Go Ham

    I am conflicted between a good conscious, go green, energy star system and a bada$$ top notch rdwc-waterfall diagonal halfpipe closet scrog. I have two plans, one combines gravity and the lowest wattage pump necessary to pump 80-120 gph into each bucket to complete a full recirculating...
  2. GoGroww

    Growing With LED Growing Lights

    LED growing lights are basically lights which are used for the fast track growth of various crops and substances. It speeds up the growing process because it can generate lighting conditions with an electromagnetic spectrum that make it perfect for photosynthesis. The amount of exposure provided...
  3. M

    Energy and Carbon Efficient Tent Ventilation

    There are several threads here on ventilation. I started one last week asking if anyone had experience with DC blowers and Electronic Speed Controls (ESCs) and, other than answering my own question in post #2, there were zero replies. I therefore assume that not many people have taken this...