flood table

  1. canope

    How to raise 4x8 flood tables

    Hey guys I have a room that I'm packing with 15 flood tables all 4x8. The budget is getting kinda tight and I'm looking for an idea to keep those tables oof the ground. So far, cinder blocks seems likte the best option, 12 blocks per table would probably be fine. Any other ideas?
  2. Yesyes3000

    DIY hydro - share your homemade hydroponic setups.

    Hello everyone. I’m very interested in building my own hydroponic setup for my next round. I really like the NFT setups. Could people please share pictures of there hydroponic setups that they have made or even bought ? I’m just looking for some ideas and inspiration. I’d really appreciate it...
  3. ToFarGone

    Promix, sog, dtw

    Has anyone ever done a SOG run with promix? more specifically what pot size what would run for 25plants in a 4X4 flood table?
  4. B

    Suggestions on existing Setup???

    First off just want to say that I didn’t post in room design because I’m looking for suggestions about anything you guys/gals see, plants included. Current setup is 4 1000w in a sealed 20x15 ft room with 7 foot ceilings. Co2 at 1100. 70pint dehu. Stable at 66-80 night/day around 40% humidity...