grow box temp

  1. McStankface

    First homemade grow box, plants started drooping

    Hi friends! So I have these "weed in a can" kind of things going on here, but after I bought them I realized I wouldn't be able to provide sufficient light, as my flat is south-faced. I started researching on homemade grow boxes as I had big cardboard box from my PC case, so I ran to the...
  2. TigerSquad

    Diy grow box (reflective foam board)

    This is the box after I got it in the attic . the inside dimentions are 49"x23"x33. I used a mixture of reflective roofing board. And styro board. Both seen to be doing very well. I have the box tied into the a.c. duct that was very close by (blocked off the vent below and redirected airflow...