
  1. B

    male or nah?

    So this is week 6 cfl veg My gut feeling is that this is male Can you guts confirm?ing
  2. Illuminatedsea1

    Random weed plant found in my yard

    Hi guys, I’m new to this forum so I’ll try and make this post understanding. So I moved into my rental house in the middle of July. A month later I found this little 5 leaf plant growing near my tomoto plants. I’ve let this plant grow and it’s now 4 foot tall. At first I didn’t know if it was...
  3. Kelsey ☘️heart

    What is my plants gender?!

    Hi everyone!! I'm new here and new to growing. I've done a ton of research but can't seem to determine my plants gender. Please help if you can :)
  4. J

    Is this plant showing sex or is this just new growth?

    I'm on my first grow and trying to determine sex.Can anyone tell me if I'm looking at new growth or is this showing?