
  1. Jpwt92

    Safers 3 in 1

    is this product bud safe or should I steer clear away from buds when spraying?
  2. M

    Russet Mites?

    Hi everyone, I flipped to flower about 4 days ago and I definitely seem to have a bug problem but It’s my first grow so any help is appreciated. I was told by one person it may be russet mites. I’ve used DE on top of soil. DE + soap foliar spray, and Safers Insecticidal soap (once so far) and...
  3. alindg

    Beethoven TR insecticide fogger

    I purchased Pyrethrum TR and will be using it tonight at lights off to kill a thrips infestation. I also read somewhere that it is recommended to use Beethoven TR for larvae. However, I can't find any information on whether or not Beethoven is ok to use on cannabis plants. Does anyone have...
  4. alindg

    Bacillus Thuringiensis added to Soil? Question

    Hello, I am new to this forum. I have a problem with thrips and I have ordered Pyrethrum to fight off the infestation. I have also sprayed Neem oil. I am waiting for my spinosad spray which I ordered as well. I am currently feeding the plants with neem oil added to the water. However, my...