
  1. Gtjoker420

    Which Rosin Press to get?

    So I have a small perpetual garden two 3x3 tents. Hoping to pull about a half lb or more every 2 months. I was looking into the Low-Temp 3x5 all in one setup as im in a small apartment and like the fact that its a compact press that can use a 20ton bottlejack. Every video for the low temps looks...
  2. Maine HomeGrown

    What ton Rosin Press?

    Is a 20 ton press really worth it for the price over the 10 or 12 ton presses? So I am looking to make the jump up to a pneumatic press from The Nug Runner for bigger applications during busier times like fall harvest/etc. I have been doing research and I am not sure if it is worth it to get a...