
  1. MarijAndrea

    Cloning with Azos-can I dip cutting into powder?

    I’ve been messing around with cloning for a bit now and it did take me a bit to get a few to live past initial root development, I was over watering them I suppose and I had rot kill off a few of my first batches after I thought they were in the clear. Anyways I have been doing some experiments...
  2. Useless89

    Nerve racking

    So i just started my first auto grow. And along with that my first time germinating straight into the pots. With it being autos i didnt want to germinate then plant them to prevent any stress or shock to the plant due to such short lifespan. My cash crop worried me but after about the 3rd day i...
  3. C

    4 cannabutter methods high times experiment

    Hi came across this tonight and wanted to share.