my grow help

  1. TigerSquad

    cfl vs this led?

    1650lumn. Cfl lights my grow are has a.c. but I know Led lights are were a lot of inside growers are using. But will this style bulb work as well, better, or at all. (750 lumn. Daylight/6500k led.) I know the cfl have more lumens but if I got the equivalent in led. Or are complete rubbish...
  2. TigerSquad

    better than its cfl equivalent?

    I'm broke and can only afford store bought lights. At the moment I have 10 1650lumn. Cfl lights my grow are has a.c. but I know Led lights are were a lot of inside growers are using. But will this style bulb work as well, better, or at all. (750 lumn. Daylight/6500k led.) I know the cfl have...