pain relief

  1. fiveleafsolutions

    Best CBD tincture and Salve

    Hey Fam, I am currently looking for the best CBD oil to order online. I want reliable, organic, full spectrum CBD. I want lab reports included as well. So far I have been in contact with AP Sleeping Indian Hemp Thoughts?
  2. Gdub51


    To your fav. brownie box recipe do the following: Add about one full ounce of decarboxylated weed (even weak stuff works with the supplements) osterized to a fine almost powder (don't burn it in the osterizer, pulse it till fine) into your fav. box recipe. Add brown sugar liberally, a bit of...
  3. S

    Newbie making canna caps

    New Member Hey it's my first post here let's see how this goes.. So I have a half a pound of gorilla glue trim/shake I bought from my local despensory. I am trying to make the MOST potent canna caps POSSIBLE. I'm going to be using coconut oil and this is my first time I'd like to know if anyone...
  4. P

    Medical Cannabis Certifications in Illinois

    Pied Pfeifer Compassionate Care Clinic is proud to announce offices open in Illinois offering assistance for current and any new patients. Certifications can now be received after one office visit, instead of the mandatory three that were previously required. We have an offices open in Homewood...
  5. B

    Surgery & Weed Advice needed

    Hi brand new member here! Really need some advice. Today i had surgery in my pinky and ring finger. Have pins in them to help re-allign them after 2 fractures. Im not really in too much pain but the prescribed pain killers help a lot. Im always hesitant on using prescribed pain killers because i...
  6. Sweetmaryj2580

    First timer

    Gettn there slowly but surely!
  7. swong

    Looking For a Good Strain For Pain

    So I'm not finding a good strain that I like out there for pain. I've tried Ambulance, Blue Widow, and others, and I'm looking to branch out. Mostly looking for something for arthritis-like pain and inflammation, and just curious what other (real) people have tried and like.
  8. 420BongRips

    Papaver Somniferum (Poppy Plants) Outdoor Grow :)

    This year along with my 420 grow, I will be doing a poppy garden as well. I was starting to include it in my grow journal but I'm not sure if I will continue too cause it's not 420. Anyway, I am going to create several poppy patches throughout my designated area where best suited possible. You...