
  1. Pothead420x


    anyone know anything about the strains ancestry? Not finding much on this one …..
  2. L

    Hi! I'm getting ready for the regulation in my country, Could you recommend me books to read?

    I want to enter to the cannabis growing, specially indoor. But im looking for ALOT of information to make things right, and when the day come, i would be prepared. Could you recommend me any book that helps in general ALL, I have heard that The Cannabis Grow Bible: The Definitive Guide to...
  3. GroDank101

    upgrading the fans

    hi I am in need of a *preferably silent* circulation fan suitable for an indoor grow tent so that I can breeze everywhere in the tent. I think I need an oscillating one, but not sure how I would secure that to function in my tent. my area is 8 sqft. i also plan to upgrade the exhaust fan, and...