
  1. C

    HELP. emergency odor elimination.

    I need help and I need it fast. I am new to this forum page and my intention of joining is to seek advice on how to eliminate the odor of marijuana in a (rented) home. Ive Googled everything I know for about two hours and Im at a dead end. I am having to move and leave the house Ive rented...
  2. T

    grow friendly rentals in Michigan

    I'm a caregiver looking for a rental that will allow growing in the mid Michigan area. please let me know if you have anything available, know of someone who does, or know of any resources that can help. sorry if this isn't in the right place, I couldn't find a relevant board.
  3. brokenturtle3102

    Greetings from a MMJ friendly Realtor

    Hey Florida Friends, I am a local real estate agent, and I would love to help you guys find your next spaces. I know its tough to find the perfect place, yet alone be able to ask the landlord to allow growing on site. I will do the research and bring you a list of spaces that fits your needs...
  4. bro54209

    Detoxing Rental, need tips on cleaning walls/ceiling

    I need to wipe down wood panel walks to bring back that lumber smell. I read that white vinegar and lemon juice works, wondered if that's safe on wood and if something like ozium or an ona spray could work or if they could accidently remove the wooden smell underneath? So I have about 8 weeks...