

    Modern Military Heroes?

    This is an unpopular opinion, but I can't feel any sympathy for people today who serve in military. Maybe you guys can change my mind? In wars like WWI and WWII, countries had to fight back as Germany took over their land. But today, it has never been a clear answer as to "why". Oil...
  2. Lucky Luke


    A must see. The coming war on China Covers the US atomic tests on the Bikini Islanders, the enslavement of a people at the Regan test site (island). The opium trade that built allot of America and the threatening nature of ringing China with missile sites and US bases. Its an easy watch and a...
  3. ttystikk

    Drugs in War, from Vikings to today

    http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2016/10/history-war-drugs-vikings-nazis-161005101505317.html This article blew my damn mind- speed junkies in uniform, viking berserkers on shrooms, Hitler on meth... Crazy. Suddenly the fact that over 70,000 Vietnam vets committed suicide vs 58,000...