Recent content by laddyd

  1. laddyd

    Blaze & Daze

    Saw them at the Mississippi River festival too. Historic venue, that's were Dylan first played when he came out of isolation after his motorcycle accident. They had these concerts outside, there was a tent area closer to the stage but that cost extra so we would sit on the lawn in what would be...
  2. laddyd

    Blaze & Daze

    I saw them live at the Mississippi River festival back in 71 or so. One of the best concerts I've ever seen. Of course tripping on some purple micro dot might have enhanced the experience.
  3. laddyd

    Blaze & Daze

    Now we have Quail laying eggs in another pot. We've got lizards, doves, quail and some other bird that hatched their brood and left a perfect little nest. Never did identify them. For some reason our patio is a popular place for nesting. I think it's because of all the plants we've grown in the...
  4. laddyd

    Blaze & Daze

    I have given up on tomatoes this year. Yesterday it was 107 with 4% humidity, not conductive to plant life, hell not conductive to any life.
  5. laddyd

    starting my first grow this morning, wish me luck guys :)

    Look like some healthy little sprouts, and an interesting strain, sounds potent.
  6. laddyd


    Be careful with the dolomitic lime Pro-mix already has some in it. That's how they ph balance it.
  7. laddyd

    Yellowing leaves…help!

    Exactly. I've been using the light meter part of one of those 3 way combo ph, moisture and light meters. 9 bucks at Amazon. I saw that I have wall to wall, corner to corner coverage with one dead spot. Moved the lights a little no dead spot and according to my cheapo meter I'm around 1000 ppd or...
  8. laddyd

    Craziest places you have found weed...

    One more Delmar loop story. We had just scored 100 hits of purple mescaline. 5 of us were walking down the sidewalk tripping our balls off when a guy on a motorcycle stops right next to us and hands us a lit joint and then just drives off without saying a word.
  9. laddyd

    Pot without drain holes

    I'm going to play devils advocate here and say SIP pots. Mine are 4 gallon and don't have any drain holes, just one overflow hole. First thing I do is figure out how much water I can add before it starts to overflow. When I water I just stay a little under that amount, that way the tent stays...
  10. laddyd

    Blaze & Daze

    One of my timers took a shit on me. Luckily it was for the circulation fans and I caught it within a day. It was then that I noticed one of my lights was turned down to 25%. Oh well no harm no foul.
  11. laddyd

    Blaze & Daze

    Oh hell yes.
  12. laddyd

    Am I waiting too long to flip?

    You better flip them, they're already just about filled your space, they're only gonna get bigger!
  13. laddyd

    Blaze & Daze

    Last year we had baby quail. This year a big old chonk of a lizard left some eggs.
  14. laddyd

    starting my first grow this morning, wish me luck guys :)

    Once they get going watch your VPD. If that's way off your plants won't do well.
  15. laddyd

    starting my first grow this morning, wish me luck guys :)

    I believe they call that float tech, an excellent method.