Recent content by SaHt420

  1. SaHt420

    Gnats! Wanna sterilize soil

    I read if I run coco with a sterile fert should be ok? Either way I wanted to try coco and need to clean up the setup and mothers. Imm try my hand at cocoa will probably move back to soil some day but I heard coco grows bigger plants more space per container compared to soil.
  2. SaHt420

    Gnats! Wanna sterilize soil

  3. SaHt420

    Gnats! Wanna sterilize soil is this the stuff I only ask because it’s labeled for mosquitos
  4. SaHt420

    Gnats! Wanna sterilize soil

    I plan to swap my mothers out with cocoa planted clones once the clones get kickin! I’ll toss the mothers outside but will treat until then thanks!
  5. SaHt420

    Gnats! Wanna sterilize soil

    Good to know wil have to get some
  6. SaHt420

    Gnats! Wanna sterilize soil

    I love organic but now ima fighting gnats like a bastard with fabric pots! I wanna sterilizer my soil sense I’m switching to a cocoa promix and lotus fertilizer from now on! How would y’all go about getting rid of the gnats and eggs I have sticky traps to keep them in check for now! Soil is...
  7. SaHt420

    Two tents A lot of weed!

    Got some clones cut from the mendo jilly! The original buttermilk biscuits prolly will be tossed I have another doing beautiful anyways! The Monika lewensky seems like she’ll be fine! Next watering imma start the lotus grow nutrients weekly. lol test run on exactly what my res has. 1.5gal...
  8. SaHt420

    Two tents A lot of weed!

    Finally seeing results from the feeding! The hydro clone threw roots about 3inches long so I tossed it in a solo cup along with the rest of the clone. This weekend imma cut a bunch from the Mendo jilly to fill out my flower tent again along with some from the other two depending how many...
  9. SaHt420

    Two tents A lot of weed!

    Sure would have been nice having a tent full of buds like these!o_O
  10. SaHt420

    NASC Christmas Advent Calander!

    He’ll yea
  11. SaHt420

    NASC Christmas Advent Calander! check out my garden having some issues but it happens.
  12. SaHt420

    NASC Christmas Advent Calander!

    Not to bad I’m gonna put the drivers on the wall so it won’t be an issue rn with lights on it hits 82 on a hot day. Max the dimmer out and they get toasty though !
  13. SaHt420

    Two tents A lot of weed!

    Really hoping the two pull through!! Cut a couple clones from the ones I feel might not make it for a second chance!!! Haven’t watered the two sickly ones yet but top dressed them all with another tbs of stoneington blend. Tried the hydro cloner with mountain water prolly a mistake gonna pull it...
  14. SaHt420

    Two tents A lot of weed!

    The lone survivors guilt got lil guy still goin!
  15. SaHt420

    Guide to Nutrient Deficiency or Toxicity

    I just wanna see if they perk up from it I’ll feed heavier if they respond well.