Recent content by weedstoner420

  1. weedstoner420

    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    The pic on the website is actually pretty accurate. It's literally straight up tiny balls of black gold, no wood chips or other crap I've seen in other bagged castings, and always has been quite moist still when I've gotten it. I think they're based out of PA so might just be an east coast...
  2. weedstoner420

    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    This stuff is really good and my local hardware store sells it: It's pretty pricey but my grow is small so a 5 lb bag is usually more than enough for a round. Hopefully others could chime in if you're looking for larger...
  3. weedstoner420

    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    That GG living soil is basically a pre-mixed blend with peat, coco, perlite, compost, worm castings, and presumably their dry amendment blend. Afaik, Pro-mix is usually just peat (and/or coco) and perlite, so you'd need to add your own compost and dry amendments (there are plenty of dry...
  4. weedstoner420

    Pot without drain holes

    Yeah no need for anything fancy. Even a plastic tub or baking pan is fine while you save up for a more "proper" setup.
  5. weedstoner420

    Official Gaia Green Grow Method

    I thought the whole "coco and dry amendments" thing didn't work out because folks interpreted it as literally just coco and dry amendments. You need worm castings or some other form of humus as a microbe source, to break down those dry amendments so the plant can use them. I don't think...
  6. weedstoner420

    Pot without drain holes $1.08. Can hold 4 solo cups.
  7. weedstoner420

    How do I start an autoflower grow in solo cups with coco?

    Seedlings can be tricky for sure, I much prefer growing from clones. But regardless... If you've had success starting in Biobizz or some other potting mix, why not keep doing that and transplant into coco when they're ready?
  8. weedstoner420

    Lazy neighbor won't let me use vine killer on their crawling vine than eventually gets into my back yard

    Does you neighbor actually like having the vine there? Or do they just not want you using toxic chemicals on their property? There are ways to kill a plant that don't involve poisoning it, such as cutting it off from the base. Maybe you could approach your neighbor and be like, "hey, I'm...
  9. weedstoner420


    Little late-night picking in the backyard... the only time the skeeters will leave you alone!
  10. weedstoner420

    Lazy neighbor won't let me use vine killer on their crawling vine than eventually gets into my back yard

    What is vine killer? And what kind of vine are we talking? Poison ivy? English ivy? Mile-a-minute? Pothos? Kudzu? Tomato? Would your neighbor care if you cut it off right at the base? That's probably gonna be the most effective thing that doesn't involve spraying, will take like 30 seconds, and...
  11. weedstoner420

    Soil mix for landrace sativa (indoors led)?

    Well dang, good to hear from someone with experience with this strain then... I planted mine in little starter cells with seedling mix (literally just fine peat and perlite) and they started getting hungry before I expected, the cotyledons were already dying after only the second true leaves...
  12. weedstoner420

    Soil mix for landrace sativa (indoors led)?

    Following along because I've been wondering the same thing. I'm planning to grow an Ethiopian sativa by Ace later this summer. I have some left over super soil from my last grow, which was definitely on the hot side before I did a flower cycle in it. Now I'm not sure how depleted it got from...
  13. weedstoner420

    Exausting outside of grow room

    Yeesh, your dehumidifier must be working overtime, especially if you have to exhaust outside... It might be worth it to invest in a larger unit just for peace of mind, it won't have to work as hard and will probably last longer because of that...
  14. weedstoner420

    Exausting outside of grow room

    Dang, 90% RH and 80 F in your home? Isn't that a bit uncomfortable?
  15. weedstoner420

    Wild edibles
