Recent content by StoneDHedgE

  1. S

    Flowering stretch question

    No way of knowing....without growing them once.
  2. S

    Deficiency has reached my main cola, should I throw this thing out? What should I do?

    Looks like it's locked up.....not a water issue probably. A growing medium issue, my bet. Plant osmosis out of whack.
  3. S

    *Lots of Zittlles and Oreoz* Gaia Green Run

    Using up the PBP. Got lots and it's amazing stuff. Used it for decades. I know it, intimately. I'm still experimenting with Gaia. But PBP is my go to still.
  4. S

    2024 outdoor show an tell anything an everything outdoor is welcome.

    Trying some Lucky13 Seeds. Frostberrys outdoor. Topped them after the pic. 3 females and 1 male. Catnip plant just inside to the right of greenhouse. A couple Carolina Reapers in the very back. Touch my stash and I'll cut ya.
  5. S

    What is this? Genetic Mutation?

    To me. Although a poor pic. Looks like a young seedling and moisture issue. Small leaf tips were wet. And damaged. Happens sometimes on seedlings if water pools on them. Got to give them a flick of the finger sometimes. Better pic would help.
  6. S

    *Lots of Zittlles and Oreoz* Gaia Green Run

    Finished them both....way back. The Oreoz cut was the real cut. It was OK. Decent yielder, good cloning and veg. Tastes OK....joints get gooey with a nice resin ring. But like peeps say, it's terps are too mellow. Kinda boring mild high, as well. Not a keeper. The Lots of Zittlles clone is one...
  7. S

    What’s going on red edges

    Disagree. A super flush in any media if you can. When in times of trouble or even routine maintenance is very wise.
  8. S

    What’s going on red edges

    Flush with your current feed and top water for a bit. Using autopots this grow myself. 2.5 weeks in flower after 5 week veg from seed. I'm feeding slightly less than you. Can't wait to tie them down abit this weekend.
  9. S

    Blueberry and kerosene krash yellowing

    Dirt too hot, light too weak and too wet.
  10. S

    Just Gotta Ask...

    3 weeks left abouts.
  11. S

    What do plants like this yield roughly?

    2 oz each approximately. Probably less. Looks nute burnt bad.
  12. S

    What’s going on with this clone

    Roots are in trouble. Going to take awhile turn around. Young plants kept too wet. My best guess. Roots rotting away.
  13. S

