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  1. M

    Extreme Leaf Curling + N deficiency? Not sure what this is....

    I have been growing outside for a few years now, and decided to start trying at dialing in an indoor operation. I am using the same organic super soil that I typically use outdoors. It's consistently brought me decent results. I had a little issue keeping up with Nitrogen last year, so I upped...
  2. M

    Anyone willing to take a look at these? Cannot Determine Cause / Nutrient Imbalances

    Hoping someone has some ideas outside of what I have thought so far. For some background, I am growing outdoors in the north east. I am using a super soil and watering with rain water I collect... If the additives included in my soil are necessary, I can list them all out. But from what I have...
  3. M

    Can Anyone Take 2 Minutes To Help A Newbie? I Feel Like I'm About To Lose My Whole Crop!

    Really hoping this is clear cut to others that have experience out there. Came home from a 5 day trip, and the babysitter failed to mention some unfortunate circumstances… I came back to find a few of my buds had turned brown, and when touched, basically turned to dust. Other spots are also...