Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

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and you use Race, Class and Gender to create your latest strawman.

anyone who is "white" male or rich is automatically invalidated, cuz lefties cant make a cogent argument as to WHY any person might disagree.

1: republicans and Conservatism supports free enterprise and the idea that if you work hard, and are a lil bit lucky you can get rich too

2: republicans and Conservatism dont want to get all up in your pockets and rob you at gunj point if you make more money than they allow

3: republicans and Conservatism welcomes everyone regardless of race creed colour or gender.

4: republicans and Conservatism require the ability to think, not just mindless jingoism

5: republicans and Conservatism arent afraid of my guns

6: republicans and Conservatism dont make excuses for criminals, no matter how high or low their "SES" might be

7: democrats sell their failed agenda to the lowest common denominator, preying on ignorance, selfishness and greed, all the shit they blame on republicans and Conservatism.
I agree entirely


yeah, republicans do that if you make too little money. see regressive flat tax scams they keep pushing, their opposition to the payroll tax cut a couple years back, etcetera.

that's monumentally retarded and false, and you are the poster boy as to why.

you literally defend rushton as totally not racist after he says we need to defend "america's judeo christian heritage and european identity" (aka, REAL AMERICA!) from "immigrants, muslims, and blacks" (aka the wasteland of multicultural bullshit, as you put it).

secure the border!



tort reform and cross state lines!


too many regulations!

should i go on?

i've explained to you the difference between an excuse and an explanation before, but you call it all bullshit and believe that melanin carries odd properties, not to mention your expressed beliefs in eugenics.

that pile of horse shit is as cute as the pile of tires that no doubt adorns the unmowed front lawn of your eyesore of a house.
Ummmm "real America" was founded by immigrants......and do you guys know each other how do u know that his lawn isn't mowed??

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
When a bear has a cub and the bear starts to starve the best will eat the cub bcz it can always have another cub lol we're all animals man.thats how it works in the wild if you wanna talk about it like we're animals I figured you'd have more of a human approach to it......
You don't hold a raccoon responsible for looking through your trash, but intstead put something heavy on and so it doesn't tip over.

There's also the whole hierarchy. Omega wolves aren't allowed to fuck the alpha's bitch, or else shit will hit the fan.

Humans too have a hierarchy. You're not too good at this.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Ummmm "real America" was founded by immigrants......and do you guys know each other how do u know that his lawn isn't mowed??
Bucklefuckle is just making shit up, taking shit out of context, and indulging in his personal psychosis though transference.

A: Phillipe Rushton Never Said That Shit. somebody at a conference said it, and Rushton was a speaker at that conference. by that standard, Barry Obama is a Grand Wizard of the KKK cuz several members of his political party are.

B: context is king, bucklefuckle never links to the context, preferring deceptive snippets folded into some random bullshit somebody else said, and Guilt By Association

C: Bucklefuckle has no idea who i am, what my house looks like, or if there are old tyres in my yard. like most of the shit he says, he just makes it up, then repeats it, and pretends it's now fact.

D: by questioning Bucklefuckle you are now a Racist. welcome to the club. your membership packet is in your cubby.


You don't hold a raccoon responsible for looking through your trash, but intstead put something heavy on and so it doesn't tip over.

There's also the whole hierarchy. Omega wolves aren't allowed to fuck the alpha's bitch, or else shit will hit the fan.

Humans too have a hierarchy. You're not too good at this.
You brought up animalistic nature and say it has something to do with the way ppl act and react all im saying is its a choice and you have that choice and so do I and im as good as I want to be.i don't hide behind a screen name and cry about someone else's baby and not actually doing anything but you...I just make my choices and don't judge other ppl for theirs im not saying abortion is right or wrong bcz ppl have been arguing on both sides since I was born and probly you to.u have ur opinions and I respect that but you can't judge me for having mine just bcz they are against what your hick parents or your organized religion shoved into your influential small brain....


Well-Known Member
Ummmm "real America" was founded by immigrants......and do you guys know each other how do u know that his lawn isn't mowed??
tell that to kkkynes, he's the one you agree with entirely.

and i can tell old tires adorn his unmowed lawn because i'm fucking psychic.


Well-Known Member
A: Phillipe Rushton Never Said That Shit. somebody at a conference said it, and Rushton was a speaker at that conference. by that standard, Barry Obama is a Grand Wizard of the KKK cuz several members of his political party are.
rushton was invited to speak at a conference whose main point was to "defend america's judeo-christian heritage and european identity" from "blacks, immigrants, and muslims".

he accepted the invitation and spoke there to reinforce that message.

that is not at all similar to the few remaining racists that have not been kicked out of the democrats to find a welcoming home with the republicans and conservatives.

B: context is king, bucklefuckle never links to the context, preferring deceptive snippets folded into some random bullshit somebody else said, and Guilt By Association
here it is.

the John Birch Society has the desire to defend REAL AMERICA from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit, limp dicked liberals, and mindless drones of the leftist establishment.
didn't the john birch society oppose civil fucking rights and immigration?

C: Bucklefuckle has no idea who i am, what my house looks like, or if there are old tyres in my yard. like most of the shit he says, he just makes it up, then repeats it, and pretends it's now fact.
i can promise there is a tire in your yard somewhere, probably the front yard.

D: by questioning Bucklefuckle you are now a Racist. welcome to the club. your membership packet is in your cubby.
do tell me if i labeled him as racist for expressing nothing racist and one anti-racist thought.


Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
You brought up animalistic nature and say it has something to do with the way ppl act and react all im saying is its a choice and you have that choice and so do I and im as good as I want to be.i don't hide behind a screen name and cry about someone else's baby and not actually doing anything but you...I just make my choices and don't judge other ppl for theirs im not saying abortion is right or wrong bcz ppl have been arguing on both sides since I was born and probly you to.u have ur opinions and I respect that but you can't judge me for having mine just bcz they are against what your hick parents or your organized religion shoved into your influential small brain....
I'm a self made Buddhist. My parents are psycho pro-death Christians.

Nice try.

I'm against killing and those who kill for reasons other than to self preservation.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
rushton was invited to speak at a conference whose main point was to "defend america's judeo-christian heritage and european identity" from "blacks, immigrants, and muslims".

he accepted the invitation and spoke there to reinforce that message.

that is not at all similar to the few remaining racists that have not been kicked out of the democrats to find a welcoming home with the republicans and conservatives.

here it is.

didn't the john birch society oppose civil fucking rights and immigration?

i can promise there is a tire in your yard somewhere, probably the front yard.

do tell me if i labeled him as racist for expressing nothing racist and one anti-racist thought.


from anyone else that post might warrant exposition, but from Bucklefuckle, not so much.

that wasnt too TLDR for ya was it?


Well-Known Member
from anyone else that post might warrant exposition, but from Bucklefuckle, not so much.

that wasnt too TLDR for ya was it?
tell me again about how phillipe rushton, the leading face of white supremacy in north america, is not even remotely racist.


Well-Known Member
You don't hold a raccoon responsible for looking through your trash, but intstead put something heavy on and so it doesn't tip over.

There's also the whole hierarchy. Omega wolves aren't allowed to fuck the alpha's bitch, or else shit will hit the fan.

Humans too have a hierarchy. You're not too good at this.

Why you gotta bring raccoons into it? WTF?


tell that to kkkynes, he's the one you agree with entirely.

and i can tell old tires adorn his unmowed lawn because i'm fucking psychic.
so your black??and I do agree with him bcz the kkk has less than 2000 active members and they recruit from white idiots in highschool that already hate blacks and Mexicans.and it's not like the "minorities" we're the only ones subject to race declassification in the United states my ancestors the Irish and the Jews and many ppl have been treated unfairly for there race.


Well-Known Member
so your black??and I do agree with him bcz the kkk has less than 2000 active members and they recruit from white idiots in highschool that already hate blacks and Mexicans.and it's not like the "minorities" we're the only ones subject to race declassification in the United states my ancestors the Irish and the Jews and many ppl have been treated unfairly for there race.
there are over 8000 klan members, actually.

not to mention the dozens of other racial hatred groups that exist.


I'm a self made Buddhist. My parents are psycho pro-death Christians.

Nice try.

I'm against killing and those who kill for reasons other than to self preservation.
I'm a self made Buddhist. My parents are psycho pro-death Christians.

Nice try.

I'm against killing and those who kill for reasons other than to self preservation.
so your a Buddhist and that's why your against abortion man didn't see that one glad you have ur opinions and despite what your parents believed you went another route.i believe in me....and my choice to do so.
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