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  • I’m looking for well respected growers in the community I am offering free lights so like I said well respected growers that everyone respects in community and that will call Bullshit when they see it in no way at all do I am in a Wanna release of light persuaded by people to give false results would people be willing to test My light against what they grow with for results to answer the question. Also to say those
    I would do it but I think I am hated and if feels so good to be hated. The power of being disrespected and not giving a duck or a puck but I will take a pug, thug pug
    ya I know you don’t have to do it all the time and then you can two hours later and then go home.
    Maddmango when I get the lights fully completed I’ll give you 1 for free just looking for people’s opinions about the product you know like quality and so on also did you happen to see the mcpcb I posted a picture of? Also do people care about the features my light can do you think & what does the community want out of a LED grow light nowadays you think
    I’m hoping to design the next all around best grow light in price and usage. But as its costly I’m going as fast as I can If I can get the community behind me it would so a much needed demanding and if something would happen like this I could have the first Bach made for sale within 3 months tops and currently as I make them in house they will be sold as I get around to it & would any one preorder these and a 100$ of
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