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  • And yeah i have done a few for people who wanted a design. I havnt actually done the tattooing myself, just the designs..... If i get time i'll do you your design. B ut im pretty much busy at the mo so it may be some time. At the moment im doing a microphone design for a lad on here.... once its done i'll give ya a shout and see if we can make the design. I'll need to know size and part of the body its for and if your wanting any lit in there... Thanks again for the rep bro. And now mate as i just accepted ya...

    dont know how much co2 u get from the bottles buddy, there's a load of guys here that will give u the full run down on co2 but for me its just a little cheap boost for the plants. if ur just starting out i wouldn't bother too much about co2 instead get ur heating/temperature issues levelled and make sure you've got good ventilation, this is much more important, plants survive welll enuff without extra co2 but they dont like temperature fluctuations.
    enjoy your grow mate and if your doing an old school organic grow then just message me if u need any questions answered, if i don't know the answe ri can probably point you to sum1 who does.
    best of luck
    Cool its cause notice that my plants where the cfls are sideways it creates a bush but my plants that have cfls up and down are long and look like will be taller
    Hahaha I know nobody ever look at my page but stay tuned for my grow journal........OG KUSH BABY!!!!!!!
    Starting my first grow with a brand new DR100L and looks to be kick ass!!! Got 6 OG Kush going and gonna learn whether I want to FIM or Top them......any advice???
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