Recent content by HunterMFG

  1. H

    Is this white stuff on my pots and top of coco trichoderma?

    I’ve been growing in coco for almost a year now (yay!) and I always get this white fuzz on the outside of my fabric pots and on top of my 70/30 coco perlite medium. I use the Floraflex matrix pads and trays which I can’t really remove, so I usually do a 1:4 (hydrogen peroxide:water) mix and pour...
  2. H

    Snapped half my mainline off and couldn’t repair it. Any ideas on how to maximize yield?

    Really? Is there anything I need to do to ensure it grows back? Cuz I could keep it in veg for however long I need.
  3. H

    Snapped half my mainline off and couldn’t repair it. Any ideas on how to maximize yield?

    So I done fucked up and snapped half my mainlined plant off and wasn’t able to repair it. So what can I do from here to maximize my yield? I’ve already topped it twice.
  4. H

    Should I continue LST/start super cropping

    That structure looks similar to my first run. Did you top? I topped 3x and mainlined on my second and current run and the maintenance compared to run1 is much less of a headache. I didn’t top my first run, I just bent the plant over and ran it along the perimeter of the pot and squeezed in the...
  5. H

    Should you cut off fan leaves during flower( a simple poll just yea or no please)

    I’m kind of in the same boat. I did four plants in five gallon fabric pots on my first run and didn’t top nor start training until way later than recommended, so I ended up bending them over and running the tops along the perimeter of the pots and squeezing in branches wherever I could. It ended...
  6. H

    Should you cut off fan leaves during flower( a simple poll just yea or no please)

    Exactly. I have all the evidence I need it’s worth it, so I’ll continue defoliating. Other dude who said “cool story” to me can do his own thing too. Who cares what others do?!
  7. H

    Should you cut off fan leaves during flower( a simple poll just yea or no please)

    Totally disagree. I had literally zero larf. My buddy had ounces of it. The difference? I defoliated regularly. Just because a plant grew a leaf doesn’t mean if you remove it, the plant will decrease in overall quality. Idk how else to explain it. Had I NOT defoliated on my first run, I’d have...
  8. H

    Proof: 3% Hydrogen Peroxide is safe on leaves

    Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine? Probably not, but it’s sterile and I like the taste. But I love hp for all kinds of purposes in the lab. Kill insect larvae in the roots, spray to kill any mold on top of medium or pot, clean up tent after PM, I could go on.
  9. H

    Question about growth chutes below the top chutes on mainlined plant

    So I’ve been following Cocoforcannabis’ Mainline tutorial and I haven’t had any issues other than a few branches splitting from the main stem (not completely) which I addressed by taping them up. I have a question about the additional growth chutes I see appearing along each main. I topped my...
  10. H

    Question about when to give plants an H2O2 bath

    I’m in coco/perlite feeding organic nutrients, but you’re right for those in living soil.
  11. H

    Cloning hallow stem growth tips? Possible? (Runtz and GG)

    So you’re saying some people clone every plant and keep it around if they like how it turns out? So I’d need another tent just for clones? I guess the question is there a typical procedure or setup most people go with?
  12. H

    Can I decarb after I already made RSO?

    Weird title I know, but I’ll clear it up. I had about 12 grams of flower I decarbed for about 30 minutes at 250 degrees. I finished making the RSO just fine, but I’ve noticed it’s not very strong. The stuff I made prior to this batch was a lot stronger even though it was made with trim. So is...
  13. H

    Cloning hallow stem growth tips? Possible? (Runtz and GG)

    Thanks for the response. I have some research to do.
  14. H

    Question about when to give plants an H2O2 bath

    Like I said I’ve just been doing a light dose so maybe if they don’t clear up soon I’ll try a “heavy infestation” dose per their instructions. The reason I like the HP bath is because it immediately kills all the larvae. The Gnatrol does it slowly over time. I’m trying to interrupt their...