Recent content by Marijuanamitch

  1. Marijuanamitch

    Take it easy, my bad man. Just not as active on here. But I try to remember to hop on here when...

    Take it easy, my bad man. Just not as active on here. But I try to remember to hop on here when I can
  2. Marijuanamitch

    Hit my on up my ig. It's exactly the same name I have on here

    Hit my on up my ig. It's exactly the same name I have on here
  3. Marijuanamitch

    Iv searched and researched,still need help.

    Glad to hear it. One thing a lot of people don't think about is that its not just the upper part of the plant that needs air. The whole plant needs at least some amount, to include the roots
  4. Marijuanamitch

    Tips on picking males?

    Typically a pheno hunt on males or females would be the same scenario. You take cuts of your males and flower them fully to decide which one is the best keeper. Throw out the rest and when you're rest to pollinate, you already know which young guy to throw in there with your lady
  5. Marijuanamitch

    In veg or flower? Typically yellow has to do with nitrogen. However it could also have to do...

    In veg or flower? Typically yellow has to do with nitrogen. However it could also have to do with overwatering or stress
  6. Marijuanamitch

    how does my my stuff sound and are plant all good ?

    Anytime! Growing is an amazing skill to have. Just take your time and love those little babies
  7. Marijuanamitch

    Tips on picking males?

    Structure is a big factor in picking males. They will produce scents and resin as well. So if you are looking for a specific terpene profile, that could also be a factor.
  8. Marijuanamitch

    Who's got their entire vegetable garden out yet?

    I'm in Hawaii too. Agreed. Lol
  9. Marijuanamitch

    Iv searched and researched,still need help.

    Poke some holes in that soil with a chopstick and help it air out a bit. That soil looks pretty compact and moist.
  10. Marijuanamitch

    how does my my stuff sound and are plant all good ?

    I agree, nice setup. The only thing I have to say is dont overdo it. In the beginning all those little sprouts need is light, water, and air. The coytledon are responsible for providing nutrition to the baby plant as it begins to grow. When those turn brown and start to fall off is a good time...
  11. Marijuanamitch

    New grow, would love to hear any feedback or comments . Greatly appreciated folks! I’m using coco/perlite mix btw.

    I would agree. Taking the dome off is going to be your best bet for right now. As seedlings and young sprouts, those little guys need three things. Air, light, water. Don't worry about nutrients for a couple weeks until the coytledon are brown and falling off. As a young plant the coytledon are...