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  • Hung a "True North" air freshener tree in the return-air vent to supplement my carbon filters.

    Not a hint of bud smell, house smells like pine but slightly masculine. Should keep my laundry and dreads safe for work.

    Not quite as nice as "Pine wonderland" by Glade, but AutoZone carries it in handy "pine tree" form, and it works overnight.

    Pine wonderland aerosol is THE SHIT btw.
    I didn't know there was a strain called Nag Champa. Now I want to try it.
    There really is lol this is only the 2nd time I’ve heard of it, but now I’m not sure if it counts as the second time :lol:
    My "daily" strain isn't too stinky, but it's quite tall.

    I sometimes do "lemon Amnesia" and a couple 8" clones stink more than my sugar candy late in flower.

    Lemon amnesia stinks up the whole place, but the high has no plateau. I can smoke a big blunt, and need the handrail to get upstairs.
    Motivated enough to flip my tents to flower.
    Gonna need all 7' of height this time around.
    Mounted my LED's at 45° angles flush with the ceiling.... The trunks are 1.5-2" diameter :)
    Pleeeease people! CHECK YOUR OIL!
    Paul Drake
    Paul Drake
    Do you deliver?
    Im a mechanic, but yes delivered pizza for years. I see about 1-2 blown ecotec turbos, and 2-4 blown Hyundai's every month.
    Sometimes I feel pretty bad for these people.

    Lots of people without a ton of money drive cars that burn oil. Some cars are less forgiving of running dry.

    But if you can barely afford oil, you definitely need to check your oil!
    Do you know where your engine oil level is right now?
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    Reactions: Tvanmunhen
    I’m at 7400km. 7500 is when I aim to change. But uhgg. Can a guy just relax and smoke some dope for once!
    Saw two different engines with no oil at under 4k miles today. 7-8yo and one with 90k, another with 115k.

    Topping off your oil for $4 at the 3k mark is probably enough to prevent sludge and all kinds of shit. Not a waste of money at all imho.
    Fresh oil burns off slower than old oil.

    Fresh oil cleans and dilutes. It also fills the oil lol
    go go kid
    go go kid
    allways, every time i go anywhere i do a check of water, oil, power stearing fluid leval and windscreen wiper fluid as its illegal not to have enough in the tank. its common sense
    Making up for lost time when all my rooted clones died (furnace failed). I have *1* "medium-small" girl in flower right now :/
    Got 17 nice little clones in veg though.

    Upgrading my 100w cfl (cardboard*) veg box, and 650w led wardrobe.

    Adding a tent, adding 432w to veg for a while, and after veg; the tent will house my new 1,000w hps.
    I'm still keeping my old gear running!

    Feast instead of famine will be nice!
    Ha ha! My most anticipated seed popped after over a week (northern lights blue), and it is a rigid mother fucker!
    Breach birth tail, then it stopped for several days. I gave it a c-section, then it dried out accidentally. Got it wet last night, and this morning it grew an inch :)

    I hope it's a keeper! I don't know the exact date, but I bet 10-14 days from first soak to break ground. Phew!
    I didn't flush a small plant, and it doesn't taste as good as a flushed plant.

    In conclusion, I will continue to flush my plants ~3x over a few days as per usual.

    Jack's classic @ ~1/4tsp per gallon, pinch of epsom salt.
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