Best way to view trichomes??? Please help.


Looking for the best solutions for viewing trichomes as a new grower. Im looking at the macro lens clip on for smartphones... what works best for y'all?


Well-Known Member
I like using my phone but it takes a top notch camera and alot of patience. Many people use the USB microscope from Amazon as well.

I have one but I dont like it.

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
I don't have one but you can get a close up camera from Amazon for 25 bucks and the footage is top notch.
I can't remember the post but it was regarding some pests... I meant to bookmark it?


Well-Known Member

Star Dog

Well-Known Member
I found the post, there's a video of a bug and link to the camera


Well-Known Member
I bought a magnifier and it wasn't very powerful, I would look at all the photo's on this site and think I'm growing wrong here, then I bought a jeweler's Loupe the difference was amazing and I see like what members.on here see.


Well-Known Member
Everyone has their preference but the best way for me is a digital scope I found on Amazon that connects to my phone. Some growers here use jewelers loupes or handheld microscopes. There's a lot of options but if you want to be the most precise use a micro scope not a magnifying glass.

Commonly used Microscope:
Commonly used Jewelers Loupe (30x & 60x):