We need to stop romanticizing alcohol


Well-Known Member
i took wellbutrin for two weeks, sold as zyban then, it frikken worked alright, I was fearing a homicide at two weeks in, didnt want a cig by that point and quit that zombie pill...along with a 25 year habit. FU marlboro menthols
at the same time I thought I'd stop drinking daily. that worked out too, alexa reminds me when its been a whole day in between.


Well-Known Member
It's pretty sad that violence and cartels\mafia is wat it took and has taken to lift prohibition on both alcohol and marijuana I get embarrassed for mankind when I think about how shameful locking people in cages for years actuallyis. I have been incarcerated for marijuana it breaks ur heart.
I loathe alcohol I only use alcohol to suspend lsd in a liquid state various cleaning and for cuts
It is a precurser
A poison


Well-Known Member
Btw it'd be in that one or two drops unless u took paper, alcohol would still be used to put it on that paper surely but I appreciate the sentiment

ok, I could live with myself with a few drops here and there I suppose.
lsd must not grow in MI I guesso_O


Active Member
They learn to recycle aluminum cans maybe.....but total there car on the way to cash em in ....so scratch that ....lol
My father is an 83 y/o alcoholic. He has a horrible disease known as addiction. My family is so messed up because of all the chaos and shame that goes hand in hand with any addiction. Long story short, Dad I haven’t seen or heard from you in 29 years, all because the trauma endured when you were a kid. Please get professional help!! I love you dad!
Nothing funny at all about drunks.

Cardlee P

Well-Known Member
I started self medicating with pot in the early 70s. It worked but the supply was inconsistent. When I tried to turn to liquor or beer or wine, I never got the dose right. As I learned this I realized the importance of picking your poison carefully. I grew better and better weed for me. Worked with urgency to secure a stash. I quit drinking altogether in 1982. Now to see it or smell it evokes sympathy and nausea. If you might walk in my shoes...


Active Member
I started self medicating with pot in the early 70s. It worked but the supply was inconsistent. When I tried to turn to liquor or beer or wine, I never got the dose right. As I learned this I realized the importance of picking your poison carefully. I grew better and better weed for me. Worked with urgency to secure a stash. I quit drinking altogether in 1982. Now to see it or smell it evokes sympathy and nausea. If you might walk in my shoes...
Couldn’t have said it better!! Might I add, “or crawl through my vomit...”


Well-Known Member

I can't wait to read the article that was submited in the OP, but...

Ain't throwing alcohol (and its drunk people) under the bus just too reminescent of "medical" cannabis users trying real hard not to get assimilated to "criminals" during the Harper era??

IMO sooner or later the roles need to be reversed so we no longer have to justify ourselves, much less burn a few more bridges... Of course there's something absurd here but i see 2 ends to that tube and it's about time the bigot prohibitionists are forced to find justifications too, if that's even reasonable. Basically, it's 3rd-party mis-guided interference which has to be put in the balance against the right to alter one's own mindset without having to fear external dangers from trauma/prejudice attributable only to irresponsible "adults" in panick, or just after a full-time job, etc.

We all lost a cause known as ""Free-the-Beer" and this wasn't for the best, now somehow it's freedom for all that seems required, with some better sense of proportionality.

Good day, have fun!! :peace: