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  1. B

    Blue Dream

    Yes!!! that’s what I always tell people! When I do a sativa I either don’t feel anything at all, or I’m having an anxiety attack. Lol
  2. B

    Blue Dream

    Anxiety, paranoia, and headache every time. Don’t understand the hype. Anyone else get this from BD?
  3. B

    Most euphoric/happy/giggly INDICA!!!

    OK guys so because of my panic attacks, anxiety and paranoia with most sativa and some hybrid strains, I now know I am definitely an Indica guy. What are the most euphoric/happy/giggly Indica strains that are consistent and never let you down? Thank you so much!!!!!
  4. B


    Yes very true it has be that one particular one. My point was that even the same grower cannot duplicate the same numbers with the next batch so like you said we just have to try to check the tested levels for each strain each batch
  5. B


    Here are results from a purple kush test: 1.66% Linalool 1.25% Caryophyllene oxide 1.53% Myrcene < 0.01% beta-Pinene < 0.01% Limonene < 0.01% Terpinolene 1.01% alpha-Pinene 1.07% Humulene 0.27% Caryophyllene 6.79% TERPENE-TOTAL As you can see....almost no limonene.
  6. B


    I talked to a master grower from a famous company and he says it is not possible to have consistency with thc, terpene and CBD levels. He said it’s just the luck of the draw with every grow. I remember once I had tropical berry OG with very little limonene, and then the next batch they made had...
  7. B


    Well most weed has limonene....I’m thinking maybe it just depends how much
  8. B


    Most websites say that the terpene limonene is used for relaxation against anxiety and depression, but some websites say it is what gives you energy. I am starting to believe it is what causes my anxiety attacks that I get so often with most strains. I just tried Purple Kush today and it was...
  9. B

    Different smell, same strain.

    OK cool man. Thanks a lot. I’m a little disappointed in the white widow from the company Passiflora. It’s not as euphoric as another white widow I had. This one is closer to a hybrid or Indica. It was more relaxing than anything. Not what I hoped for.
  10. B

    Different smell, same strain.

    OK cool thank you very much. I guess this one smells like a moldy warm cheese. LOL. That’s why I was afraid. Lol
  11. B

    Different smell, same strain.

    yes I have two different strains of white widow from two different companies and I was wondering why one smelled totally different than the other. One is flowery and the other is not and smells a bit off and I’ve been worried, but it’s a brand new batch from the company Passiflora. I hope it’s...