Search results

  1. Funkentelechy

    Outdoor breeders

    I'm always on the lookout for breeders who breed outdoors. It seems that there aren't many folks who breed outdoors anymore, I'm only aware of a few. Almost all strains are developed and bred indoor, which isn't necessarily an issue for outdoor growers, most strains that were developed for...
  2. Funkentelechy

    Happy equinox everybody!

    Happy equinox all you outdoor growers, everything is wrapping up unless you're in the Southern hemisphere in which case everything is just getting started. Either way, I wish you all a happy, successful, and bountiful post-equinox season!
  3. Funkentelechy

    Severe leaf curl.

    I have some pretty severe leaf curl going on some of the branches of a plant this year. I have been growing outdoor since the mid nineties and have never had any experience with anything like this. It started a couple of weeks ago. The plant is a Salmon River OG from Dynasty and most of the...
  4. Funkentelechy

    Happy Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King

    Happy Birthday!!!!!
  5. Funkentelechy

    ECO Farm good or bad?

    Looking for a good cheap LED for starting seedlings. Sprouts will probably be under light for a month, month and 1/2 before they go outside. I like the looks of the Samsung 301b/h diodes, but I'm new to indoor lighting and I'm open to suggestions. Anyway, ECO Farm site is cheap, are their...
  6. Funkentelechy


    One of my personal primary goals as a grower, and reasons for choosing to grow organically, is sustainability. The materials commonly used for remineralization are one area in which cannabis growers often fall short of achieving sustainable growing practices in my opinion, even organic growers...
  7. Funkentelechy


    I love the Moog. Any other Moog fans?
  8. Funkentelechy

    Soil testing

    I'm curious about sending soil samples in to have them analyzed. I do no-till organic and I've had no problems with the soil at all, just curious to see if it is as healthy as I think it is, or if any improvements could/should be made. When is the best time to send samples? Is it better to do...