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  1. S

    Tiny holes

    Hi there. I'm just wondering if this is normal. The tips of some of the buds have holes in them. Never seen this before and was wondering if it's normal or something I should worry about. Thanks!
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    Organic soil mix help

    Getting ready to mix up some soil and was wondering how this mix sounds. Sunshine advanced #4 3cuft (says it expands to 6) 60lbs worm castings 1/2cuft biochar 3 cups Neem meal 3 cups kelp meal 3 cups crab meal 3 cups bio live 3 cups rock phosphate 3 cups alfalfa meal 3 cups bat guano 1 cup...
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    Sunshine Advanced # 4

    I was wondering when doing the coots mix if I was to start with Sunshine advanced #4 (Sunshine Advanced Mix #4 is formulated with peat moss, coarse perlite, coconut coir, gypsum, limestone, and organic wetting agent. Advanced Mix also contains mycorhizzae for improved nutrient and water uptake.)...
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    Will they survive

    Hey . Just wondering if rove beatles, nematodes, and mites, worms survive the cooking process or if they should be added afterwards. Thanks
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    Do beneficial insects survive?

    Hey . Just wondering if rove beatles, nematodes, and mites, worms survive the cooking process or if they should be added afterwards. Thanks!
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    Is this a nanner

    Hey . Was inspecting my plants today an came across this.. is it a nanner
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    Twisting and burnt edges

    I'm in 5 gallon fabric pots, Royal Gold Tuper, mixed with worm castings and Neem seed, insect frass and dry amendments and my leaves are showing sings of twisting and deficiencies. About halfway thru flower and this is my 1st time growing in soil and for the love of god I cannot figure this out...
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    Is this okay

    Hi.. 1st time grower. 7th week of flower and I can't tell if this is natural and the plant is just trying to fill out some more of the stem or if it's a turning into a hermaphrodite. Thanks for any help.
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    Tiny spots on leafs

    Hi.. I have tiny spots appearing on my ladies leaves. They appeared on some and I pulled them off and now I got new ones .. I'm new at this so I can't tell if it's a fungus, defficiency or over feeding. Etc.. About 60 days into veg and was about to flip in a couple days but now I'm worried...
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    Brown spots on leaves

  11. S

    Deficiencies or paranoia

    Hi 1st time grower here. Using Tupur Royal Gold, General Hydroponics nutes at ppm 400 and 6.2 PH. I noticed that the new growth appears to be kinda lighter ( more yellow) and my 1st set of leaves are twisting on one. I am running a SF4000 at 20 inches at about 15%<90watts (turned it up to...