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  1. nellorobert

    Making Tincture with Medshed - 2013 Recipe

    Hola Rollers! I have been refining this recipe over the last couple years and finally feel like I have it in "final" form. Here is a little pictorial of how to make alcohol/glycerine tincture. Don't worry if you are on an alcohol-free diet, the alcohol is evaporated during the process...
  2. nellorobert

    Medical Marijuana Patients

    as a 90s kid I never really got to toke on some premo Danks( parents weren't cool enough) a lover of all things nostalgic, what is your all time favorite authentic 90s strains , possibly lost in time or do you still grow them? what keeps that strain in your library ?
  3. nellorobert

    When do buds fatten up?

    I'm in week 5 of flower and most of my strains have pure white hairs sticking off tiny buds, but they aren't fattening up yet. Some other strains are starting too but there slow too. Wondering if I'm just being impatient or wondering if something is wrong. When do they start fattening up ?