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  1. Sk-one

    Drip irrigation with coco questions

    If you have a 3D printer or access to one, you can make your own drip rings that have great coverage for pennies
  2. Sk-one

    Fertigation manager system

    This is how I like to grow...I'm a tech guy who loves cannabis....what do you expect? I kept this system as simple as I could while still having it perform how I want it to perform. That's how I keep it simple :)
  3. Sk-one

    Fertigation manager system

    That was me :) I was pretty happy with the 8 oz I pulled off of those two plants. It was kind of a pain in the ass though....I won't be doing solo cup grows for a while.
  4. Sk-one

    Fertigation manager system

    Are you asking how it would work in a commercial grow-op?
  5. Sk-one

    floraflex bubblers uneven watering

    A quality moisture content sensor would add significant costs to this system. Sure, a cheap one can be had for $10, but they are garbage. My personal grows with this system, I fertigate 6 times a day (depending on the stage of growth) in 1 gallon containers. This keeps my moisture content...
  6. Sk-one

    Automating a Grow Room / Rooms

    I am no expert grower...I know more about automation and electronics than growing :) I think most people that have recirculating systems change out their reservoirs periodically because of the reason stated in that video I referenced.....but I could be wrong.
  7. Sk-one

    Automating a Grow Room / Rooms

    @Has If you have runoff, that means the media is 100% saturated and can hold no more water/nutrient solution. When growing in coco you always want to maintain at least 90% saturation, and you also want to maintain 15-30% runoff after every irrigation event depending on the size of container and...
  8. Sk-one

    Automating a Grow Room / Rooms

    @Has Scale based systems are very accurate. Our system can weigh runoff after an irrigation event down to 1 gram resolution. Also, the majority of home growers will see much better results top watering with runoff than using an autopot type system that floods from the bottom. If you're...
  9. Sk-one

    Automating a Grow Room / Rooms

    Feel free to DM me, I love to talk automation :)
  10. Sk-one

    BK’s shit show

    Yeah, you're defiantly going to need to switch those out :) I'm going to redesign the rings soon so the inner ring is about 2.5 in diameter. The current design is 1.75 in diameter.
  11. Sk-one

    Siphon won't break on pressurized system, discharge going one floor below

    I'm not sure of your exact setup, but if it's similar to this video, a check valve would work for you.
  12. Sk-one

    Fertigation Manager Basic kit

    Calling or emailing the company directly is your best bet for getting your questions answered :-) They have pretty good customer service....
  13. Sk-one

    Fertigation Manager Basic kit

    Although, if you wanted/needed the flexibility to send differing amounts to each plant like our system can, you would need to multiply what you spent by four. So, $15 for the timer, probably minimum $15 for a power supply, and then whatever you spent on the pump ($10-30?). Then you would need...
  14. Sk-one

    Fertigation Manager Basic kit

    Glad that's working for you. That's the beauty of life.....there's a million different ways to accomplish the same thing :)
  15. Sk-one

    Fertigation Manager Basic kit

    You, sir, are quite crafty :) That would do the trick. I really designed this system to use the scales. I didn't think anyone would want to use it in a different way. If it turns out that the FM basic kit is more popular, I can create a new firmware program that will be tailored more to how...
  16. Sk-one

    Fertigation Manager Basic kit

    Oh, I'll still be around :)
  17. Sk-one

    Fertigation Manager Basic kit

    There isn't a way to have the last cycle deliver a different amount than the previous cycles. You can however manually activate the feed pumps by going to the feed pump calibration tab and pressing the pump run buttons. You would have to do that every day though, it can't be automated. FYI, I...
  18. Sk-one

    Fertigation Manager Basic kit

    You're going to have to experiment a little bit. I wouldn't assume that 3 gallons of Coco can hold 1.5 gallons of H2O. How well your coco was rinsed and the amount of pearlite will affect how much it can hold. First I would pick an interval that you are happy with. Next, pick an amount to...
  19. Sk-one

    Fertigation Manager Basic kit

    If you're handy with a soldering iron they can be easily replaced. If one is inadvertently clogged, they are very easy to disassemble and clean. I'm going to be posting a video on how to do that soon. We always recommend using fully soluble nutrients to avoid clogging the feed pump module, and...
  20. Sk-one

    floraflex bubblers uneven watering

    It's going to be at least 6 months, probably more like 9 before an 8 station will be available. We are working on how to deal with the waste runoff. For more than 4 plants, it doesn't make sense from a financial standpoint to use pumps to drain the drip trays. We are thinking about drip trays...