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  1. SRT_designs

    Mosca Negra Frosted Guava Autos

    Day 33 of flower 1 pic with flash one without
  2. SRT_designs

    Mosca Negra Frosted Guava Autos

    Looks good. Mine has been smelling killer and if I just graze a sugar leaf I’m sticky think I’ll be harvesting in about 6 weeks. Chasing a deficiency now so I brewed a compost tea and noticed my soil was alkaline. Ph water to 6.2 for the last week and hit it with the tea tonight idk why it’s...
  3. SRT_designs

    Seed Shortage? I’m in the USA for reference but they have a super easy check out process with Apple Pay even
  4. SRT_designs

    Seed Shortage?

    I’ve been using dcse for my last 2 seed orders and when I checked the other day they seemed to have a decent amount in stock but with everyone else running short idk how long their supplies are lasting.
  5. SRT_designs

    Where do I measure room humidity when drying?

    How did your drying process come out?
  6. SRT_designs

    Day 14 veg. Leaves are yellow.

    That was my plant actually day 14 and that’s her today
  7. SRT_designs

    Day 14 veg. Leaves are yellow.

    Anytime stunting happens to a auto it’s going to have a negative impact. Could impact height and yeilds. It’s only gonna live so many days and die so yes you can save that plant but for me I’d save my time and restart. I’m doing an auto flower run right now and I was already starting to train on...
  8. SRT_designs

    Day 14 veg. Leaves are yellow.

    Gonna need to get ph down but I’d scrap that run especially if it’s a auto flower and restart just make sure to ph your water before watering so you don’t have the same problem. Seems like your plant locked out and stopped taking in nutrients which is why it’s stunted and now yellowing as it’s...
  9. SRT_designs

    Mosca Negra Frosted Guava Autos

    Day 15 of flower.
  10. SRT_designs

    Mosca Negra Frosted Guava Autos

    Thanks for letting me know. I think im going to stop training her downward and let that main cola really start to form and get longer. Think I might have too many tops going as it is already lol.
  11. SRT_designs

    Mosca Negra Frosted Guava Autos

    I’m also trying to keep my height low as I’m only in a 48”H tent
  12. SRT_designs

    Mosca Negra Frosted Guava Autos

    Did it keep stretching all the way through flower, Specifically it’s main cola? I’m kinda training mine like a photo trying to get a bunch of tops and was wondering how I can kinda judge how these cultivars go about through their cycles
  13. SRT_designs

    Mosca Negra Frosted Guava Autos

    Day 30 approx day 7 of flower
  14. SRT_designs

    Mosca Negra Frosted Guava Autos

    How tall is yours sitting at?
  15. SRT_designs

    Where do I measure room humidity when drying?

    I’d base it off the one closest to the harvest
  16. SRT_designs

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    For sure I just edited to add I only paid 50 cents for the 3 pack. Not a bad deal just to have but I did need them lol
  17. SRT_designs

    The Best Deals Thread. Post Best Deals And Lowest Prices Links

    I just got a 3 pack of 8” at dollar general for 50 cents. They had larger sizes for the same price but overall here in the Midwest a lot of garden items like that are going on sale with fall approaching
  18. SRT_designs

    First Time Grow (indoor/autos)

    Did you start your grow? My first ever auto has taken off in the last 10 days.
  19. SRT_designs

    Mosca Negra Frosted Guava Autos

    Did some more training today and slight defoliation since I had some leafs touching the soil. Also rotated the plant 180 just to help the light get through to new areas since she’s bent twice