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  1. D

    Wat tha problem iz? (with pics)

    yah your probably right though, so light burn is just something you just except and learn from right? The plant should keep growing normally?
  2. D

    Wat tha problem iz? (with pics)

    Yes i do ! I have a fan that is blowing on them.Although it always feels stuffy and stale in the closet (growroom). Not to mention, my girlfriend smokes like a pack a day of ciggarettes in the main room, which im sure cant be good for the plants getting tobacco constantly blown onto them.
  3. D

    Wat tha problem iz? (with pics)

    ok here is my lighting setup. I really dont think it is light burn they are really not that close like 2-3 inches away.
  4. D

    Wat tha problem iz? (with pics)

    Bump......... anybody?
  5. D

    Wat tha problem iz? (with pics)

    Ok, this just recently happen over night basically. I use ACE soil mixed with Miracle grow organic choice from the first pot before transplanting. I also use Alaskian Fish Fert, but like only a tiny drop in the water. I use fresh spring water from water bottles. The top leaves of the plant...
  6. D

    Weird Problem, Please Help!

    I think that might have been it actually, I just transplanted to a bigger container and the roots had made a flat surface on the bottom of the pot pretty much covering the entire bottom with roots. Thanks for all the help ill post updates soon
  7. D

    Weird Problem, Please Help!

    where can i find something to use to test the pH? Somewhere like wal-mart? What kinds of things can be used to correct to pH either up or down? I appreciate the help everyone.
  8. D

    Problems With My Babies ( With Pics )

    I know my plants are ugly and diseased but give me some feedback. This is my first grow on very low budget, didnt really buy anything but the lights. I have a weird problem with my biggest plant (see The "drooper" below) in which all of my leaves droop down to the floor for days at a time and...
  9. D

    Weird Problem, Please Help!

    Alright, I got some pic's. I know my plants are ugly and diseased but give me some feedback. This is my first grow on very low budget, didnt really buy anything but the lights. -The setup - Everything is pretty ghetto rigged but it reflects light well I think. -The "Drooper" She usually...
  10. D

    Weird Problem, Please Help!

    Cool, thanks. Ill definitely post some pictures when I can, I think you guys will like them, if anything they kinda look different than most of the plants I've seen on here, I kept so much of the light on the sides and so close to the plant for so long that it had grown extremely bushy. It looks...
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    Weird Problem, Please Help!

    is "shizzle" good or bad.
  12. D

    Weird Problem, Please Help!

    HAHAHAHHA, thats exactly whats it like man.
  13. D

    Weird Problem, Please Help!

    Also, my plants are like 5-6 weeks old still in veg. I have 3, the tallest is 11 inches but extremely bushy.
  14. D

    Weird Problem, Please Help!

    Sorry, I've got 9 CFL's ranging from 26-42 watt most are the "daylight" ones in the blue spectrum and then a couple of the cool white. I'm using miracle grow Organic choice potting soil. I haven't used any nutrients except these Jobes Nutrient Spikes things but I saw on here they were not good...
  15. D

    Weird Problem, Please Help!

    So, for the past two weeks or so my plant's have started to droop down completely, every leaf set and stem seems to get really weak and all the leaves droop straight to the ground. The plant will look really small and then magically the next day or so it will be STANDING strong. Then a Day later...