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  1. M

    Full Spectrum Light

    Yea i Got a Shade for the Light and its hanging down properly now. Thanks. 3 More Full Spectrums Damn. I thought 2 was good enough for Flowering. You sure about 3? Thats alot of Light
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    Full Spectrum Light

    KaliKitsune Thanks for all the help!!
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    Full Spectrum Light

    Here Pics of Budd 1000 Watt Marijuana Growing - Makesi's Album: BUD TIME!!
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    Full Spectrum Light

    Not seeds. Im talking about buds. I know how to germ. Its potting the seeds that kills me
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    Full Spectrum Light

    Thanks for all the help guys!! The buds I flipped where under 1000 watt. So your saying I'll be fine if I keep them in a newspaper for a few days? How can I get best results? What procedure should I use? I'll upload some pics
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    Full Spectrum Light

    Hey I just Cut my buds from my other crop. I Think i fucked up. I trimmed all my buds before curing them. Im i going to have wack buds? How do i still get a good cure. I put all the buds on a Newspaper in my closet letting let dry out. Any suggestions on I can get beautiful buds? Ppl suggested I...
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    Full Spectrum Light

    No Real Height restriction. I can grow up to 4 - 5 feet. Not trying to grow that high though! Thanks for all the advise!!! My Next problem is Seeds. Im horrible when it comes to seeds. I Just cant get them to break soil. It always seems they get lost in soil when i first water them. Grrrrr. I...
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    Cheese Seeds

    Can anyone get Cheese seeds or clones? Please let me know asap thanks
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    Full Spectrum Light

    Its a Full Spectrum 6400k 125Watt Daylight Growing Light Still think i should use 2? 15 Plants, Im trying to get at least half O to an O per plant is it possible with 1 or 2? And how tall should i let them grow before i flip to get max result?
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    Full Spectrum Light

    Marijuana Growing - Makesi's Album: Closet Grow Sorry here's the Link
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    Full Spectrum Light

    Take a look at my pics Thats from Week 1 - Week 5 Full Spectrum 18 Hr Cycle Tell me What Y'all Think
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    Full Spectrum Light

    I got a closet Grow up going. 16 Clones Under Full Spectrum Light 18Hr Cycle. Question. Does anyone know If I should use 2 Full Spectrum lights to Flower? Is 1 good enough?