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    LIt Farms

    That packs worth every penny u paid trust me good pickup
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    LIt Farms

    Hella good job brother looks dank af
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    LIt Farms

    OK now back to the flowers this is some of my go to smoke right now, its firecrotch (e85 x red velvet) strong plant, yields rock hard golf balls like crazy, Lil to no leaf and is potent as shit, this is the cut that my bro FrostyTops on here hunted she checks every box
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    LIt Farms

    I was thinking the same, some peeps need to buy a pack for the 200-250 and get a full free pack and support them its a hella deal but i understand id love to get a pack for 15$... Been smoking some flaming cheetoz and firecrotch phenos and they are solid af , especially the firecrotch on...
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    Cookies Fam Genetics

    Lit is straight fire, everything I've seen so far was worth every penny spent
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    In House Genetics and Platinum Kush Breath

    Id Mist them mangled ones with some water ina spray bottle , usuallly helps them develop when the just sprout like that , maybe drop light down a Lil looks like stretching some
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    Can order with confidence , they are on point so no worries
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    Tree star seed bank legit?

    My go to...Always 4-7 days or less for delivery from these guys , always slaps n freebies/pins
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    Cookies Fam Genetics

    Awesome Some cuts of gelato are Very nice and have really unique terps usually w same taste on the exhale , you'd like that red velvet strain , its lemon cherry Gelato x Pina acai gelato
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    Cookies Fam Genetics

    Alotta hype yeah, but really depends on the batch, imo.. the ones that are 29%-31% are flame such as Georgia pie, soap,ocean beach, red velvet , etc...but when them same ones 22%-25% ur buying a product they rushed to stock stores thing cookies ever done was the collabs w seedjunky...
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    LIt Farms

    Wowzer , Heck of a nice run buddy , lit definitely has some winners in these packs
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    Cookies Fam Genetics

    They just made some partnerships out here in missouri for cookies, and I tell ya, the Georgia pie, ocean beach, soap and a few others are on another level, all bred by seed junky in collab with cookies....ocean beach I'm smoking on now came in at 31.26% and is knockout a fatty...
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    insane seeds

    Guy is friendly always on point every time, and quick shipping especially from coming outta p.r
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    I’m looking for LEGIT Tropicana cookies beans

    Don't know where the best beans to get would be, this was gave to me as the real mountain trop cut, she beautiful and Terpy but not keeping her, does she look like the real mtn cut ? Smells and taste like a hot can of orange sunkist lol
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    The death of the Grower's Choice ROI-E720...

    grown under 720s, don't listen to the headline of this topic lol got 2 of them 720s for flower always pull 26-29 zips per light, and they will do over 2lb trust me per light I seen it in partners grow of coarse its strain dependant as always, I even rock 2 of there e200 gc's they Hella Good for veg
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    LIt Farms

    Ya I've seen a few pics people are liking it suppose to be rock solid dense nugs, but I feel certain breeders will raise the prices on e85 crosses in the future honestly , grandiflora has some flame I'd run any if there gear or there collabs gear
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    LIt Farms

    Anybody running cinnamon rolls, firecrotch or flamin cheetoz ? Snagged these up ain't seen too much info, also gotta lit freebie thats interesting it's chauffeur (wedding cake x daily driver) crossed to peanut butter souffle (dosido x lava cake )
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    What will you be running 2022?

    Yep IL keep them updated on here soon as they're popped, my partner on here frostytops has some sprouted IL have him post his when Pic worthy and keep updated, I'm pretty excited for them
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    What will you be running 2022?

    Grabbed em at treestars , they dropped couple weeks back , I think 7 packs left ,400$ but they may still have discount running for 420
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    What will you be running 2022?

    New 2022 lineup, been running zookies, ihg jellygushers for a min gonna retire them and hunt for few new keepers in these