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    bio bizz fish mix and bio bloom

    Does bio bizz fish mix and bloom has enough cal mag for a healthy cannabis plant it contains molasses and molasses has calcium and magnesium
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    500 ml or 250 ml

    Should I buy a 500 ml bottle or a 250 ml bottle for 3 plants in the ground i will use bio bizz fish mix and bio bloom for this grow
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    Can Nepalese landrace handle 46 latitude?
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    Where to buy absinthe plants that are psychoactive

    Where can i buy psychoactive absinthe alcohol plants
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    Od salvia

    Can u overdose on salvia?
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    K2 synthetic weed spice

    For anyone who tried legal highs. How îs The high like on spice/k2. Can Someone explain/elaborate more how IT feels like?
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    Different acid tabs

    Has anyone noticed a slight difference în visuals and experience from different types of tabs of acid like The experience îs pretty much the same intense, eye opening but The last time i took IT was The clearest acid ever i took maybe IT was the most pure/deep and experienced no body load at all...
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    Nature monster

    Anyone experiente hearing monster or feral sounds at night? I live near a lake with a spot in nature and i was awake at from 2 to like 4 am in The morning. At 3 o clock almost exactly i hear two loud feral sounds but IT sounded like some kind of monster like a feral being but much stronger and...
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    Improving The native soil

    Ca-n i grow good plants using The native soil and suplementing IT with a lot of organic mânuire instead of digging în The ground and adding store brought soil
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    Hemp milky way

    Does anyone know an easy milky way recipe. I was thinking taking a handfull of hemp and bolling IT în milk with butter for 4 hours some friends had done that and said IT blew them The fuck away, do u think îs worthy of i use enough?
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    weed popularity

    was there weed in the USA till 1960 or did people smoke till 1960?
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    Kinda weird k trip

    This was about last summer so I started snorting some good quality ketamine at around 12 o clock the ketamine was pretty good without hard feelings of numbness pretty clean I felt a little out of my body and I was kinda walking on a cloud but experienced some weird dissociation just like I was...
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    This is my first time trying datura because of curiosity about it how many bulbs should I eat to be safe like 1 2? I m talking bulbs not seeds
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    Half July planting

    Is to late to start my seed half July?
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    My seedlings died and idk why

    My plants died why?
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    curing weed

    why most of the people cure/dry weed in the jars and they don t simply dry it hanging?
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    old kali mist

    can anyone who had grown and smoked this stuff do a smoke report about this ?Im talking about the old kali mist that had no indica in it pure sativa(cambodian x thaix colombian) heard good things about it
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    organic homemade fertilizer

    so i took multiple plants leaves,weeds, branches etc and tossed them in a bottle and then poured some watter over them, should i let the bottle ferment in the sun or in the shadow for the best quallity?
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    Planting in July with low level of sunlight

    Can I get at least 50 grams per plant planting in 20 litre soil in pots inJuly with just 4 hours of sunlight?
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    seedlings in the wild

    Should I let my seedlings alone in the wild when they are in small pots?