1st Time Grower Big Bang Drooping Severely


Ok so this is my 1st post on the forums though I have done my share of research on this site and others. I don't know everything there is to growing and need some help on figuring out what's wrong with my GH Big Bang plant. The last 3 days they started to droop and in the last 24 hours they've gotten much worse. I'm growing in FF soil: 60% ocean forest and 40% light warrior mix. They are under 12 26W cold fluorescent bulbs (have a 400w metal halide bulb that will replace those very soon) in veg still. I just added a fan to it to see if that can help strengthen the stems.

From what I've just read and found on various forums, seems like I may have root rot. Healthy, droopy leaves, and red/purple stems. I don't have a ph tester yet but should early next week so I can't test that. Any tips on what this is and how I can fix it?



This is the plant just 5 days ago.2010-09-25 22.17.54.jpg2010-09-25 22.18.29.jpg

-forgot to add this is the 3rd day since I watered it last, initially I thought it was overwatering but it's gotten so much worse in the last 24hrs if it was overwatering I think that it would have gotten better


yea i just forgot to add that info in the main post. This is the 3rd day since I watered it last, initially I thought it was overwatering but it's gotten so much worse in the last 24hrs if it was overwatering I think that it would have gotten better