4pm bud pics


Well-Known Member
Told a guy I was gonna upload some pics at 4 but the thread is gone and probably for good reason. But I did give my word I would so hey let’s have a 4pm plant showcase. No dick showing, just plant showing. Let’s see those beautiful girls!



Weed Gremlin
Staff member
Awesome! I meant the OP, but yours look good too. 10oz out of a 4x2 sounds perfectly reasonable to me!


Well-Known Member
I tried to warn dude but he just kept going.

I really like your plants. They look very pretty.
Yeah I probably didn’t need to feed into it as much as I did. Some of the things he says to people no man should say to another man. I appreciate that! RIU has definitely been there every step of the way with em.


Well-Known Member
That's a benefit of having access to RIU.

There is vast amounts of information here and most of it is solid.

Growers that help out are generally well versed in growing and the mods do their jobs very well.

This is a safe place with good info.

....except Poli.....

That place is fucking frightening.