About to harvest some Blueberry x Skunk and AK-47, Guess the Yield!


Hey RIUers, here are a couple shots of 2 Blueberry x Skunks and an AK47 ive been working on this winter and about ready to harvest. Grown under 600W HPS, I vegged for about 6 weeks and flowering for about 9 weeks now. The AK47 is nearly as tall as I am, and the blueberry skunks are little trichome monsters. I tried to zoom in as much as possible to show the trichomes. I usually aim for a bit milkier trichomes as opposed to amber but lemme know what you think, do they look ready to chop down now or should I keep them going a bit longer? Also, let's guess the yield while we're at it! :mrgreen:DSC06351.jpgScreen shot 2012-03-17 at 8.45.30 AM.pngScreen shot 2012-03-17 at 8.44.47 AM.jpgDSC06344.jpgScreen shot 2012-03-17 at 8.27.37 AM.jpgScreen shot 2012-03-17 at 8.27.20 AM.jpgScreen shot 2012-03-17 at 8.26.53 AM.jpgDSC06336.jpg


Did you super crop or top your plants or are they grown natural
The AK47, which is the tall one on the left in the second photo was supercropped, definitely paid off. The blueberryxskunk on the left in the third photo was basically massacred, let alone topped. Tried to top it but clumsily snapped a branch in the process creating this 4 headed monstrosity. The branch didnt break off completely so I tied it up so it can heal itself, which it did fantastically. It looks like it was FML'd but it was more like Fuck I Broke A Branch. I have an increased amount of respect for the cannabis plant and plants in general, how they can survive after all of the abuse they can go through in nature. This bowl's for you mother naturebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
looking nice m8, i would leave them a little longer until they are more solid the first and the last pic look a little airy plenty of new pistils
not long to go though

peace :)